Therapy Services Fees
Our therapists provide a custom service for each family, using a combination of individual therapy, parent coaching, and family therapy. Our service is very solution-focused and efficient, designed to help families get relief of symptoms as quickly as possible.
Fees are as follows:
New Client Intake
Telehealth, 30 min - $110
In-Office or Telehealth, 55 min - $220
Home or School-Based Observation/Session (90 min) - $375
Telehealth OR In-Office Sessions:
55 min - $220
75 min - $275
90 min - $330
School-Based or Telehealth IEP Team meeting or 504 Planning meeting - prorated at $220/hr by length of meeting, including travel time.
Phone consultation with other professionals (pediatrician, teachers, parent coordinator, attorney or other therapists) – $220 prorated by length of call.
Phone call/consultation – $220 prorated by length of call.
Report writing/documentation for schools or another service provider - $220 prorated per scope and length of report.
Record Review - $220/hr prorated by time spent.
Parent Coordination Fees - Because parent coordination services require more documentation and court appearances, parent coordination services are billed at $275/hour. A retainer of $3000 ($1500 per parent, unless the court determines otherwise) is required prior to the initiation of services.
NOTE: All services are self-pay. However, we can email you a monthly “superbill”, should you decide to submit it to your insurance company as an out-of-network service. In addition, clients are encouraged to use their flex spending or health savings account for services, as appropriate.

Dr. Egan's Podcast Series
Meet our newest therapists, Matthew and Melissa! Set up a COMPLIMENTARY 20-min Consultation Call Now. (Temporary Offer)