Dr. Tara Egan is proud to present her podcast series ...
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Dr. Egan ~ Podcast Guest Speaker
Episode 96: How to get your Teen to Talk with Guest Dr. Tara Egan
11/2/21 - As parents, getting our teens to talk to us can be challenging especially during the high school years. At times, it may seem like your son or daughter talks to everyone BUT you. Building a healthy relationship with your kids takes time, energy and patience. It is also a two-way street. We have to be open to listening even when it may be inconvenient for us. Dr. Tara Egan joins us today to share strategies on how parents and families can build healthy relationships by focusing on developing strong communication skills.
Stories of Divorce Resiliency Podcast: Season 1, Episode 8
5/3/2021 - In this episode, Sherry and Dr. Egan advise on co-parenting with an ex-spouse. Difficult in the best of circumstances, co-parenting can seem overwhelming or even impossible in the case of a high conflict divorce. Dr. Egan provides tips to encourage both parents to prioritize the best interests of the children so they can grow to become productive, emotionally regulated, and happy people. With the right tools, your high conflict divorce can become a more calm and friendly co-parenting relationship.

Covid Talk with Dr. Tara Ega‪n
3/1/2021 - Amanda is joined by Dr. Tara Egan, a child psychologist, and they are diving into the pandemic and how it could be effecting our children. Many topics are covered during this episode.

DIVORCE: (Digital Parenting/Social Media) Dr. Tara Egan-Round ‪2‬
Round 2 with Dr. Tara Egan. We go deep into our most challenging parenting struggle. Digital Parenting.
Message me for a Co-Parenting session: inyourcornercoach@gmail.com
Mourning Meeting by Mandi Zucker
November 17, 2020
College students are naturally grieving humans. Away from home, friends and family, learning how to cope with these losses can be difficult. But for students who have experienced a death, divorce, break up, or other significant loss (perhaps due to COVID-19), new coping tools and supports are more important than ever. We will talk about how to best support these young adults while also taking care of our own mental health. We will talk about tough things, but the podcast aims to be inspiring, uplifting and even funny sometimes! Join us!
Amy Deland Season 2, Episode 5, November 4, 2020
Emerge Thriving: Wellness Designed For Real Life
Managing Technology and Social Media as a Family
Amy connects with Dr. Tara Egan to discuss the influence technology is having in the home environment and strategies we can employ to manage it. Dr. Egan specializes in counseling and family-school relations, is the author of Better Behavior for Ages 2-10 and Adolescence: A Parent's Guide, and hosts the parenting podcast One Day You’ll Thank Me.
Ep 17: Healthy screen time consumption for our kids
This episode was life-changing for me. I know that sounds dramatic, but really, I walked away with so many practical tips that I have already listened to this episode (again) three times! Dr. Tara Egan, from CharlotteParentCoaching.com, joins me...
In Conversation With Dr. Tara Egan
Realtime with Meghavarsham
We are back with season 2 and in this episode, we interview a professional from North Carolina! Welcoming…… Dr.Tara Egan! Thank you so much for joining us in this episode. In this episode, Dr. Tara explains the impacts of technology especially on teenagers. We also talk about other topics such as our relationship with our phone, why our mood changes, and public speaking.
How Dr. Tara Egan Found Success #167 Private Practice Workshop with John Clarke
In this episode, John sits down with Business Made Human mastermind member Dr. Tara Egan to talk about:
1. How Tara went from school psychology to private practice + parent coaching
2. How publishing books has helped grow Tara’s business
3. Scaling through multiple streams of income
How to Balance Screen Time Limits for Kids for a Calm and Healthy Family Life Podcast - Episode 89
Released: Sep 1, 2020
Most kids I've met love screen time. I don't know about yours, but if my kids aren't hooked up, they're asking to plug themselves in. As a mother, I can see the benefits of screen time for kids (not least, a bit of peace and quiet for me.) But what about our kids' brains? I worry that young brains get hooked on screen time (not to mention my own, older brain!)
How can us parents manage screen time so that our kids can enjoy it in a healthy way?
Ep 58 - Technology usage in very young children with Tara Egan  - Growing Our Family - Parenting Podcast
Dr. Egan was a guest on the “Growing Our Family” (Pregnancy Edition) with host, Brittany. They spoke about healthy technology habits in very young children.
Ep 042 - Anxiety and Depression in Children, Screen Time, and Dealing with Technology
Our guest is Dr. Tara Egan. She is a therapist, parent coach, author, and public speaker. We discuss causes of anxiety in children, causes of it, and how it may manifest itself. We also focus on screentime - why it is addictive, how to help your kids manage it, and the differences in quality content. Lastly, Tara describes how to best manage the transition of divorce for your kids and what not to do.
Dr. Egan's Podcast Series
Meet our newest therapists, Matthew and Melissa! Set up a COMPLIMENTARY 20-min Consultation Call Now. (Temporary Offer)